Stephen Barnes is the founder and the senior practitioner at Barnes Sports Clinic. With well over 30 years of experience within the physiotherapy profession, Stephen has naturally, in that time seen thousands of patients and been exposed to all different kinds of patients and physical ailments. As well as being an HPC registered Chartered Physiotherapist, Stephen is also a qualified advanced sports therapist and personal trainer. He specialises in exercise-based rehabilitation, electrotherapy and can provide medical acupuncture.
Matthew Barnes is a second generation HPC registered chartered physiotherapist. As Stephens son, Matthew has grown up with and been exposed to the principles of physiotherapy since childhood. As part of his physiotherapy training Matthew completed clinical placements in community physiotherapy, elderly rehabilitation, Intensive care and 3 musculoskeletal outpatient postings. His specialist skills are in in advanced electrotherapy, ultrasound imaging and manipulation. Matthew is also a qualified advanced sports therapist and personal trainer.
Nicola Barnes is our practice manager and has been administering the the clinic since its inception. Nicola deals with appointment bookings, referrals, insurance claims and payment as well as a host of other jobs that all help to keep the clinic to run smoothly.
Tanya Draper is an experienced advanced sports therapist and associate member of the chartered society of physiotherapy who can provide sports massage, electrotherapy and physical rehabilitation. Over the years Tanya has also gained valuable experience dealing with many problems outside the realm of sports injuries including complex chronic conditions. In her capacity as senior physiotherapy assistant she is able to provide support our Chartered physiotherapists.
Meryn Churchouse-Bilton is a sports therapist and university educated sports scientist; additionally, she is also an associate member of the chartered society of physiotherapy and supports our chartered physiotherapists as a physiotherapy assistant. Meryn has gained experience in a wide range of physical conditions in and outside the field of sport and often undertakes domiciliary cases for the clinic. She is trained to provide medical acupuncture and is a highly qualified clinical Pilates instructor. You can view her website here.
Will Riches is a sports therapist and personal trainer who can provide a variety of services including personal training, sports therapy, sports massage and nutrition plans. You can view his website here.