The rehabilitation gym at Barnes Sports Clinic is one of the most comprehensively equipped in private physiotherapy practice. This reflects the emphasis that we place on exercise-based rehabilitation. All of our equipment is heavy duty commercial grade gear. If you have witnessed the sparsely equipped studio gyms that are so commonplace in physiotherapy facilities and been left wanting, you should definitely pay us a visit!
The Gymnasium operates on an appointment system which helps to ensure that it does not get overcrowded. Payment is conducted on a ‘pay as you go’ principle instead of a membership setup. This offers the greatest flexibility to our service users and means that you will never be out of pocket with a subscription that you do not fully utilise.
The communal areas of the gym are monitored via CCTV for your safety and trained fist aiders are never far away. Additionally, we are equipped with an onsite Automatic External Defibrillator (AED). Power shower facilities and filtered drinking water are also available. There are also plenty of hand sanitising and alcohol wipe stations dotted throughout the gym.
We have recently completed phase one of an ambitious upgrade to our gym. We have retired a number of our venerable Nautilus resistance machines and replaced them with state of the art Technogym units. Phase two will see our remaining Nautilus equipment replaced by more advanced machines and also the addition of other new and innovative apparatus.
If you are interested in using our gymnasium you will need to book in for an initial 30 minute induction which will allow us to introduce the various gear to you and make sure that you can operate it safely. We also offer personal training services which can be arranged by contacting us by telephone or email.
Below is a list of the main equipment available at our gymnasium:
Cardiovascular equipment
- Technogym Treadmill.
- Technogym Skillrun (Sophisticated treadmill that can provide push/pull resistance).
- Technogym Variostrider (Advanced adaptive cross trainer).
- Technogym conventional crosstrainer
- Versaclimber (simulated climbing machine)
- Technogym static Spin bike
- Technogym static upright exercise bike
- Concept 2 SkiErg (simulated cross country ski machine)
- Concept 2 rowing machine
- Technogym SkIllmill (advanced self-propelled treadmill)
Boxercise room
- Heavy punch bag
- Double section maize bag
- Heavy 6 foot grapple dummy
- Spar-Bar punch ball
- Floor to ceiling mid-section ball
- Speedball
- Small focus punch ball
- Wing Chun wooden dummy
- Assorted balance and proprioception equipment including Swiss balls and exercise mats
Resistance equipment
- Technogym assisted pull up and triceps dip machine
- Technogym seated row
- Technogym Multipower Smith machine
- Technogym dual Leg extension and leg curl machine
- Technogym leg press
- Technogym Kinesis unit (advanced adaptive cable machine).
- Technogym Ercolina pulley unit (extended heavy weight stack)
- Nautilus Triceps press machine
- Nautilus Vertical chest press machine
- Nautilus overhead press machine
- Nautilus Abdominal machine
- Watson Fitness dumbbells 4-26kg
- Watson Fitness weight benches x 2
- Technogym heavy dumbbells 28-60kg
- 70kg steel plate dumbbells
- Selection of freeweights bars.
- Selection of light handweights
- 290kg of Technogym ergonomic weight dics in a range of sizes
- Heavy battling resistance rope